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Good morning! ☀️ *Tim Cook voice*

A new social media app launches, good news for iPhone 15, AirPods refresh coming, and more!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

📊 Poll

Last week, I asked what iCloud plan you have..

This was a lot tighter than I expected!

Here were some of my favorite replies:

2TB - “The apple one, 2TB plan is a must have for a family.” I 100% agree. Excellent offering from Apple

50GB - “So far the 50GB is enough for all my devices, but it's insane to me that 200GB is the next option. That's an insane amount of space that I would probably not need in the foreseeable future.” Do you offload your photos somewhere else? Maybe I just take too many lol

200GB - “200 GB is the sweet spot - 5 GB is too little for pretty much everyone with an iPhone, let alone multiple Apple devices and 2 TB is borderline overkill unless you store a lot of high-res videos and photos. For most people, you can't go wrong with $2.99 a month” Me with almost 1TB used on my 2TB plan: 👁️👄👁️

This week: What app is at the top when you go to Settings > Battery (in the last 10 days)?

What app has consumed the most battery over your last 10 days?

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🧵 New Social App in Town

It’s not very often we get to witness the launch of a social media app with major potential like we did with Meta’s Threads on Wednesday.

It’s also not very common to see the CEO of another social media app threaten to sue the CEO of this new app within 48 hours of launch.

Is this the beginning of the Elon vs Zuck fight?

Anyways, let’s discuss the actual app. And if you aren’t following me yet, you’re missing out.

So, FOMO is one of the key drivers for this new Twitter clone competitor.

First off, everyone is talking about it. Second, your IG profile shows what # you were to join Threads.

56K! Anyone got me beat?

And all of that FOMO + a genuinely good UI = rapid adoption!

How rapid? 30 million signups within 18 hours. Now 48M+

My thoughts

  • I never joined Mastodon, BlueSky, etc. This is the first social app I’ve joined since TikTok in 2019

  • The signup flow is dead simple - everything converts from your Instagram profile, including username and block list

  • The feed is hectic - I am discovering a lot of new people. I’m also muting/blocking a lot of users since the algorithm is still trying to figure me out. At least there are no ads or bots yet!

  • Engagement is through the roof. I’m talking Tiktok-level engagement. This is likely just overexcitement & everyone exploring the new shiny object, but it’s doing a good job at keeping people glued to their screens

  • I think this can coexist alongside Instagram since it’s not for those who like sharing photos/videos ONLY.

  • It also differs from Twitter because it’s not news-first like Twitter is. It’s more personal and social. It’s more opinion-based so far, less fact-based and “boring.”

You agree?

What’s not good

  • If you want to delete your Threads account, your IG account gets deleted as well

  • Many bugs. Especially the crash when adding photos on iOS 17 (share from the photos app to avoid this crash). This is a v1.0 though, so bugs are expected

  • Tons of data is being collected by Meta, and you can’t opt-out of any of it. But since you already have an Instagram account, they already have your data anyways

What it still needs

  • A “Following” tab

  • DMs (hopefully not in IG)

  • Search for topics, hashtags, etc

  • Availability in the EU

I have many more thoughts, but I’m more interested in your thoughts. So vote in the poll below to let me know why you will be using Threads, or why you will be passing on it.

Are you going to use Threads?

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